Setup Firebase

Follow the instructions below to setup Firebase for your app and to send us the necessary files:

01) Go to the Firebase Console:

02) Create a new project, and add a Project Name. You can use the name of your app for the Project Name.

03) In the project overview, add an application (in the area where it displays the options of iOS, Android, Web, etc).

04) Enter your package name (We’ll provide this to you). Next Register the app.

05) Download the google-services-.json file and select Next, Next, Continue to Console.

06) Click on Settings (top left) > Project Settings.

07) Go to the Service Accounts tab.

08) Click on Generate new private key.

09) A new firebase.adminsdk json file will pop-up for you to download. Download the file.

10) Send us both files (the google-services-.json file and the firebase.adminsdk json file).