Open form export files with Microsoft Excel.

How do I open the csv Export Files from the various features (Precise, Awesome, Tickets, and Forms) using Microsoft Excel?

The various Form features (Precise Forms, Awesome Forms, Tickets, Forms, etc) that we offer provides an option to Export your data in .csv format. Follow the instructions below to open the csv file in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet so that you can easily edit the records, create reports, etc.

01) Log into your App Manager and select your app.

02) Click Features from the left-hand-side of the screen (or the middle of the screen).

03) Click the Page Title of your Forms.

04) Click the Data option:

  • Awesome Forms – Click the Manage Data tab. Next, click Download CSV.
  • Precise Forms – Click the Data tab, then Export CSV.
  • Forms v2 – Click Results, then Export CSV.
  • Tickets – Click Tickets, then Download Tickets (csv).

05) After the file is downloaded, rename the file extension of the file from .csv to .xls.

06) Open Microsoft Excel… Click File, then Browse to the location of the file and select it to open it.

07) You will then see the Import Wizard.

  • If the Import Wizard doesn’t appear (and the file automatically opens), close the file… Then re-open Excel (without selecting the file), click the Data tab, then click the From Text option, and select the file. Proceed with “b” below…
  • Once the Import Wizard begins, select the Delimited option.

08) Under the Delimiters section, select Semicolon.

09) For Column data format, select General.

10) Click Finish and you’re all set!