The Community feature enables you to easily have a dating app, or an app where members can search for and connect with other members. Features include various types of functions such as Find My Match, Others Like Me, Favorites, Blocking, custom fields, etc. Follow the instructions below to setup/configure the Community feature:
ENABLE SWIPE MODE – Enables app users to swipe the screen to view the next/previous member in the search results list.
ENABLE MENU ‘FAVORTES’ – An option that enables app members to access profiles that they added to the Favorites list.
ENABLE MENU ‘FIND MATCH’ – This option enables members to search for other members based on matching their profile entries to other members with similar profile entries.
ENABLE PROFILE LIKE/DISLIKE – The ability to Like/Dislike other profiles.
ENABLE PROFILE CUSTOM KEYWORDS – Integrates with the Profile Feature… When enabled, the fields from the Profile feature are utilized instead of the default fields.
ENABLE SECTION I’M LOOKING FOR – Enables and option that searches based on entries by the app user.
ENABLE ‘OTHERS LIKE ME’ – This option enables members to search for other members based on matching their profile entries to other members with similar profile entries.
ENABLE MESSAGING – Enables members to send private messages to each other.
ENABLE PROFILE DELETE – This option enables app members to delete their own profile.
DISABLE NOTIFICATIONS – When selected, notifications are not sent to app members.
ENABLE ‘TASKS’ MODULE – This will enable the Tasks feature to be integrated with the Community feature.
SHOW PROFILES ON MATCH RESULTS PAGE – When enabled, Profiles will be displayed on the results page of the Match search.
MINIMUM AGE TO SIGNUP – This will force members to enter an age when they setup their profile and they must be older than the age that the app admin enter.
LANGUAGE OPTIONS – You can replace the default text of the various app facing language stings by simply typing the replacement word in the respective field(s).
This is a simple Groups feature that enables the app admin to add members to a Group. There are two types of Groups:
Public Groups – App Members can see the Profile of App Members not in their Group but cannot contact or interact with the Profile.
Private Groups – App Members can only see and interact with App Members in their Group.
The Profiles tab will enable the app admin to view/search all of created Community Profiles in the app.
Custom Profiles
This function enables you to import Custom Fields that were created in the Profile feature. After Importing the fields you will see some settings to change how the search functionality works.
Custom fields enable you to define how fields will behave when matching profiles. For example, if you have created an Age field, you may want the system to find the exact match, range or like. This way whenever you add new fields for search criteria you can define how should it behave.
This setting is available for only Search Fields Section, other section fields will be used for data capture/display purpose, no search operation will be considered.
You can add up to 10 fields into search/profile match section, other sections can have any number of fields.
When you add new fields in the Profile feature, you need to click save/sync in this page to show newly added fields here. Having such functionality gives you power to design many kinds of app.