Commerce Pro / Shopping Cart

Commerce Pro is our new and advanced eCommerce (Shopping Cart) feature. Similar to our xDelivery feature, you will be able to sell your products and services in your app.  Users will be able to pay for your products via credit card, PayPal, Stripe, and/or pay with cash upon delivery. However, our Commerce Pro feature contains many additional advanced functions. This includes the ability to use the feature as a Catalog, it integrates with our Market Place feature, you can add notes and labels to products, advanced layout features, comprehensive reports, and much, much more!

See the instructions below for setting up Commerce Pro:


1) Log into your App Manager and select your app.

2) Click Features from the left-hand-side of the screen (or the middle of the screen).

3) Click Shopping (or whatever is the name of your Commerce Pro/E-commerce page).

1. Create Your Initial Store (or Add Additional Locations)

After the Commerce Pro feature was added to your app, click on to add a new Business location. Next complete the required fields for your Business.


Sub Title – The slogan for your Business.

Description – Describe the main service that your Business provides.

Store Status (Draft or Published) – Is the Store going to be live in the app or hidden from the App Users.

Require date and time of delivery (Optional or Required) – Upon placing an order, is the App User going to be required to select a Delivery Date/Time.

Require date time pickup (Optional or Required) – Will the App User be required to select a Date/Time when they are picking-up their order.

Icon – Select an icon to use for your Store. The ideal icon dimensions are 960×600.

Store on Map – Should your Business be listed on a map when viewed by the App User.

Store Hours – Select the Days/Hours that your Business will be open for orders.


Next, add the Delivery options that you’re going to offer your App Users:

In Store – The customer will pay for and obtain the product/service while in the Business.

Carry Out (Pickup) – The customer will pick-up the items from your Business as opposed to having the order delivered.

Shipping / Delivery – Your App Users will have an option of having their order delivered.

Table Service – Use this option if you have a Business that offers Table Service (ex: a restaurant).

Shipping / Delivery Fees – The amount to charge the customer for the delivery service.

Free delivery starting from – Minimum order total to qualify for free delivery.

Customer can note cash given on delivery – Adds a field at the end of the order where the client will specify the type of cash that the customer will use to pay for their order. For example, if he/she uses a 50$ bill, you will be notified.

Delivery radius – The delivery radius from the Business address.

Delivery time – Time to deliver. List the amount in minutes. For example, “120” would equal “2 hour delivery”.

Minimum order – The minimum amount in the customer’s shopping cart for the delivery fee to apply.

Delivery Areas – You can add multiple delivery areas with different fees for each – based on distance.


Now it’s time to enter your Payment Options. In other words, select the Payment Options that you would like your customers to be able to use.

If you choose PayPal, you will have to complete the PayPal fields that will appear upon selecting this option. The PayPal option would also enable the ability to accept Credit/Debit card payments in the app. Click here to see how you have to set up your PayPal account to enable it in your app.

The Credit card (pay upon pickup or delivery) option will enable your customers to pay by credit card when they pick up their order, or upon delivery of their order.

2) Business Settings

Enter settings to use for your Business.

Phone number: The Phone Number that would be listed for your business.

VAT: If your Country/State use VAT then enable this feature.

New Store Signup Status: If using our Market Place feature, upon someone creating a Business, should the Business be live in the app or not?

Is Shopping Cart Enabled?: Should “purchasing” (products/services) be enabled in your app.

Is Chat Enabled: Use this feature you’re using our Social Network and Market Place features and you want App Users to be able to send a message to the Business owners.

List View: The display view that the App Users will see.

Stock: Are the products/services going to have stock limitations.

Birthday: Enable this if you want your App Users to enter their Birthday when placing an order

Invoicing Address: Should the App User be required to enter an Invoice/Billing address.

Delivery Address: Should the App User be required to enter a Delivery address.

Payment Gateway Mapping: Select how payments should be handled in the app. The Multi Vendor options are only enabled when using our Market Place feature.

  • Multi Vendor, Single Gateway = There are multiple Businesses… All payments are sent to the App Admin.
  • Multi Vendor, Direct Transfer to Store = There are multiple Businesses… Payments are sent directly to each respective Business.
  • Single Vendor, Multi Store = There is one Business with multiple locations… All payments should go to you the App Admin.

Default Store in Case of Multi Vendor, Single Gateway Mode: The default Business to use when using multiple Businesses. This feature requires that you use our Market Place feature.


Enter the language (words) that you want to use for the various available services.


Enter the available Tax options that should be used. If you’re not using Tax, leave the “0” (zero) setting.

3) Create Categories For Your Businesses and Products

Next, select the Catalog tab and click on Store Categories. This is where you select the Business Categories that the various Businesses will be placed in. For example, if you have a multi-vendor restaurants app, your Business Categories may be: Chinese, Pizza, Spanish, Jamaican, etc.

Click on the blue + to add your Business Categories. When adding the Store Category, give the Category a Name, Image (the image should have 960×600 dimensions) and Description (optional).

Next, select Catalog and click on Categories:

Click on the blue + to add your Categories. A first one is automatically created but won’t be shown to users. It’s your root category but once again it will not be shown to users so you can leave it like that. Select it and click on the blue + to add a subcategory (the root Category is not shown, the new Category will be a main category).

When adding a Category, add a Title for the Category, and click the icon next to the Category Title to add a Category Image. The image size should be 960×600 in size.

4) Create Products

Click on Products from the main menu in the Catalog tab.

Click on the blue + to add a product.

Complete the required fields (Product Name, and Price) and add as many photos as you wish. It’s highly recommended that you also add a Description for each Product.

You can sizes or another appropriate Format to your Product. Switch on Product Formats and then add sizes (or appropriate info) of your product. Add a Price for each Format.

Note that if you activate this function, you won’t be able to change the price of your product in the main menu as you previously set. The price displayed in the app will be displayed from the lowest Format Price to the highest.

You can also add some Options to a Product. An example would be Sauces for a restaurant’s menu product.

Here is an example using sauces.

First, create a new Options Group:

If you check at least one option is required. The app user will have to choose from the sauces you offer when he orders the product. He will not be able to order without choosing one of these options (that’s useful when you have many sizes for a product, as we will see next).

Then, in the “Add it options” section, click on “+” to add options to this group of options:

Click on “OK” to save.

Now, in your product details page you can see your options below.

Then check the categories for your product:

And click on “OK” to save your product.

You can also duplicate a product if you want to create a new product that doesn’t have many differences from another one.