Our Classifieds Ads feature will enable to you to have a local Craigslist-like marketplace app! Your users will be able to post classified ads on your apps just like they would have done on Craigslist. Follow the steps below to configure the Classifieds section in your app.
1) Login into your Control Panel and select your app.
2) Click “Features” from the left-hand-side of the screen (or the middle of the screen).
3) Click “Classifieds” (or whatever the classifieds section in your app is titled). You will see the screen below:
4) Enter a location in the City field and click on “Save”.
From there, you can add option to the future ads:
– Radius: The distance (in meters) where the ads will be displayed from the selected location.
– Country: The country where you want the ad to be available.
– Limitation to the specific country: The ad will be displayed only in the country you selected, no matter the radius you chose.
– The ads expiration: The time when the ad will be available.
– Moderate Ads: If this box is ticked, people will have to authorize the publication of the ads manually; if it’s not, it will be automatically published.
5) Create a new ad section: i.e Cars/Motorcycle
6) Now that you have created a section , let’s create some categories:
* Click on to add a category. You can create as many section and categories as you want, there are no limits on the quantity of categories you add.
When you create a new section, users will be able to add product’s ads to this section, but if you create categories for this section, users will have to add a product inside the categories and not right in the section itself.
In the example above, people won’t be able to add a product in the section “Cars/motorcycle”, but will have to choose between “Cars” or “Motorcycle”.
In The App
To create an ad, open the app and select the Classifieds feature. Then click on the “My Shop” on the bottom of the screen.
The white empty screen means that you still don’t have any product in your shop. To create one, click on on the top right of the screen.
From there, just create an ad with a title, a picture, a price, a description and all the information needed.
– Write a great description with a minimum of 15 characters (ads won’t be accepted if it’s less than 15 characters).
– Add a picture to the ad.
– Add an address or the address of the product.
– Add an email address to be contacted by a potential buyer.
– Add a phone number.
– Add the category where you want the product to be displayed.
You can decide to hide the phone number or the address on the ad, but note that if your address is hidden, then the ad won’t be visible on the public map.
Be sure to have filled out every cases or the ad will not be accepted.
Click on “Save”, to publish the Ad.
Search Ads
You can search ads that other people posted in the app:
Complete the following fields:
- Select a category of product
- Select a minimum and a maximum price
- Enter the Zip Code of the city you want to search in
- Select if you want to display ads including pictures, address and the phone number
- Choose the order of displaying : Newest first, the cheapest first…
- Click on “Search”
You can decide to display the ads on the map by clicking on :
Or manually in the form of a list like this by clicking on :
You can’t pay for products/services inside the Classifieds app feature. If someone is interested in an ad, they can contact the seller via the seller’s posted contact information to arrange payment.