
Follow the instructions below to setup and utilize the Job function in your app.


1) Log into your App Manager and select your app.

2) Click Features from the left-hand-side of the screen (or the middle of the screen).

3) Click Jobs (or whatever your Job function is titled).


Click the Settings Tab to configure the Jobs function.

Display Place icon: If disabled, the company’s logo won’t appear on their company page.

Display search: Display the search bar on the main page of the Jobs page.

Display contact: Select which type of contact you want to display on the job position page.

Default search distance: The distance that will will automatically appear on the search page.

Currency: The currency type to use.

Distance Unit: Display how you want distance displayed.

Page Design: Display the page with Card or List Design.


Add the job Categories that will be utilized in your app. Click the Blue “+” button to add a new Category.

When adding a Category, give the Category a Name, Description, add an Image, and list Keywords.


In this section you can add the Companies that are able to offer positions in the app.

When adding a Company, complete the following fields:

Name: The name of the organization.

Description: A description (“About Us”) of the company.

Website: The url of the company’s website.

Email: The mail that will be used to receive emails from the App Users.

Administrators: These are App Users that can post jobs for the company. The selected individual(s) must be registered in the app. In addition, Administrators can add jobs directly from the app.

Address: The address of the company.

Employee count: The number of employees in the company.

Logo: The company’s log.

Header: The header image that will be used for the company.

Display contact: The contact method that will be used for the company.


As previously mentioned, Jobs can be added by Administrators directly from the app. However, App Admins can also add Jobs via the App Manager.

When adding a new Job, complete the following fields:

Icon: The icon image that should be used for the Job.

Header: The header image to use for the Job.

Name: The Name of the Job Position.

Description: Describe the Job… duties, responsibilities, hours, etc.

Contact email: The contact email that will be used when someone apply for the job.

Address: The location of the respective job.

Company: The company that’s offering the position.

Category: The job category that the position should be assigned to.

Contract type: Examples include: Full Time, Part Time, Contractor, Temp, etc.

Income From/To: The income range that the position pays. Only use numerical values in these fields. If you enter text, it will cause the job not to display in the jobs list.

Keywords: Search keywords to use for the job position.



On the position page, you can see the localisation of the position, contact the company and look at the company’s info.


On the company page you can see a description of the company and all the positions offered by this company.


Important: if the user has admin access, he will be able to edit the job offer by clicking on  on the position page:


He can also edit the company info by clicking on  and create a job offer by clicking on  :
